Trans Recovery Supply’s Mid-Year Update
It is now near the middle of the year and a lot has definitely happened. January 2020 marked the month we had made post-op recovery kits available to individuals recovering from gender confirmation surgeries. We provided these kits and post-op supplies to people as far as across the the U.S.’ East Coast and Canada.
We greatly appreciate everyone who put their trust in us to be a resource for transgenders, gender non-conforming individuals, patients, their allies, and for providing for their or their loved one’s post-op needs. Before we established TRS and at the start of its establishment, we truly did not know how useful our post-op recovery kits and service would be to our community. We’re extremely happy to have received positive feedback.
We’ve also had the pleasure to communicate with parents preparing for their child’s surgery and traveled to new places to actually meet some individuals that have now undergone surgery or planned to have surgery in the near future. Organizations have managed to find us and asked us to connect our community with their resources and services. These were some of the moments that truly made our dreams a reality.
It has been an amazing feeling to contribute to our community and to a number of individuals' transition journeys.